Here's a sneak peak of my next project. A dear sweet friend of mine had triplets and I wanted to make something for them. I started these little robot dolls (
www.emblibrary.com) before Christmas but then things got so busy with the Holiday season that I had to put them on hold. Now I'm excited to work on them again! I had to get the dolls done first so I could get pictures of them on the fabric that I'll be using for the outfits.More to come later!

And speaking of the Holiday season....... Here's a few Christmas pictures of the kids. I usually don't get to see my cousins on Christmas morning so this year was so fun to be with them. Here's Jewel the night before, setting out cookies for Santa to snack on.

Here's EJ's reaction to first seeing all the Christmas stash! Hehe, I just love how he kept staring at all the goodies with that cute little grin on his face.

The bikes were a hit! I think it was the first thing they all went to.
Sorry I haven't been posting much lately. Alot of things have been going on around here, besides just the holidays. I've had the flu and I'm just getting over a really horrible cold. Ughhhh! My New Years resolution is to take better care of my health. Now that I'm getting better, I'm so ready to get back to my studio and sew again! Hope everybody had a wonderful Holiday!